Experience the World Championship liveGET YOUR
Experience the World Championship liveGET YOUR
Experience the World Championship liveGET YOUR
The 37th World Championship for National Teams in Three-Cushion Billiards will take place from March 13 to 16, 2025, at the Festhalle on Hermann-Hülser-Platz. Ticket sales for this prestigious event, which is being held for the 34th time in Viersen, are now open. Tickets can be purchased at Room 103 of the Town Hall on Rathausmarkt.
The season ticket costs 50 Euros. Day tickets are available for 15 Euros (Thursday), 20 Euros (Friday), and 22 Euros for each day of the weekend. Residents of Viersen can receive a 10% discount by presenting their ID card. Those attending school, university, retirees, people with disabilities, or those who are unemployed can get tickets at half price with appropriate documentation. Children under 12, when accompanied by an adult, have free entry.
Tickets can be reserved by calling 02162 101-121(until March 12th). Tickets are also available at the „Kaffeebud“ of Frank Schiffers on Saturday at the weekly market.
The event is organized by the Union Mondiale de Billard (UMB) and hosted by the Deutsche Billard-Union (DBU). The event is presented by Viersen-based company SAB Bröckskes. Matches will begin daily at 11 a.m., except on Thursday, when the opening ceremony will take place at 11 a.m. On Sunday, the final day, the World Championship will end with the award ceremony around 6 p.m.

Die 37. Billard-Weltmeisterschaft für Nationalmannschaften im Dreiband wird vom 13. bis 16. März 2025 in der Festhalle am Hermann-Hülser-Platz ausgetragen. Der Vorverkauf für dieses bedeutende Event, das bereits zum 34. Mal in Viersen stattfindet, ist nun gestartet. Tickets können in Zimmer 103 des Stadthauses am Rathausmarkt erworben werden.
Die Dauerkarte kostet 45 Euro. Tageskarten gibt es für 14 Euro (Donnerstag), 18 Euro (Freitag) und jeweils 20 Euro am Wochenende. Wer in Viersen wohnt und das mit seinem Personalausweis belegt, bekommt zehn Prozent Nachlass. Wer zur Schule geht, studiert, Altersruhegeld bezieht, schwerbehindert oder arbeitslos ist, darf mit Nachweis für die Hälfte zuschauen. Kinder unter zwölf in Begleitung von Erwachsenen haben freien Eintritt.
Veranstalterin der Weltmeisterschaft ist die Union Mondiale de Billard (UMB), Ausrichter die Deutsche Billard-Union (DBU). Präsentiert wird die Veranstaltung vom Viersener Unternehmen SAB Bröckskes. Gespielt wird jeweils ab 11 Uhr – außer am Donnerstag, da steht um 11 Uhr zunächst die Eröffnungsfeier auf dem Programm. Das Finale mit anschließender Siegerehrung ist für Sonntag, 15 Uhr, angesetzt.

The 37th World Championship for National Teams in Three-Cushion Billiards will take place from March 13 to 16, 2025, at the Festhalle on Hermann-Hülser-Platz. Ticket sales for this prestigious event, which is being held for the 34th time in Viersen, are now open. Tickets can be purchased at Room 103 of the Town Hall on Rathausmarkt.
The season ticket costs 45 Euros. Day tickets are available for 14 Euros (Thursday), 18 Euros (Friday), and 20 Euros for each day of the weekend. Residents of Viersen can receive a 10% discount by presenting their ID card. Those attending school, university, retirees, people with disabilities, or those who are unemployed can get tickets at half price with appropriate documentation. Children under 12, when accompanied by an adult, have free entry.
The event is organized by the Union Mondiale de Billard (UMB) and hosted by the Deutsche Billard-Union (DBU). The event is presented by Viersen-based company SAB Bröckskes. Matches will begin daily at 11 a.m., except on Thursday, when the opening ceremony will take place at 11 a.m. The final, followed by the award ceremony, is scheduled for Sunday at 3 p.m.